Friday, 12 September 2014

Leading 'em through the wilderness

Leading 'em through the wilderness

A friend once sent his profile for a training opportunity, what it actually meant was how he qualifies to be a trainer. I know him as someone who is a good coach, counsellor and one who can effectively channelize aspirations of his subject. He has had long years of corporate life, in Finance, Admin, HR, events, doubled up as an interviewer in radio shows, wrote articles conducted events etc. He did send his profile but they never got back, the profile it seems had vanished into a sink hole. I assume because he did not have man hours of training experience to back him up in spite of all above credentials and in spite of having done the ropes while in HR. This is the fate of many otherwise experienced new comers into the field and most of whom want to make a beginning with the business of training. This is how the training world looks at them.
What is training? Training is honing someone’s latent skills to make it effective enough for the world to use as a product off the shelf. It is a method of awakening the self to make it more productive. Training is also a reason to keep up the tempo, break the monotony and infuse much needed energy into a being and a group. Training helps infuse and transform centrally, scattered thoughts and aspirations into bursts of actionable energy that keeps the production cycle steady. Training is the process where delivery of information, helps in the transformation process of a human being and in the process be reformed. In short training is all about information, transformation and reformation. It is indeed training that helps sagging shoulders revive to a stage where the recipients are propelled into putting organisation over self, a mental state where they keep asking for more. Training helps to discover one self- hitherto dormant and unknown desires surface as a piece of floating object bobbing up and down amidst the ocean current and tide.

We are all born with skills which may pertain to many fields, an assorted array of fondness for a certain path that needs a kind of awakening to lift it from a state of dormancy to a stand attention mode and then gradually polishing it to shine luminously as a soldiers boot reflecting the persons charisma and personality. This fondness and curiosity is awakened at an early stage by our teachers, parents and mentors, the lucky ones seem to find their peace early in life, but the majority are still fiddling as would a learner with the strings of a guitar waiting for the sweet sound of success.
People have spent an entire lifetime chasing, or better still pushing jobs that have no semblance of balance with their needs and awakens little that is dormant deep within them. They are always yearning to break out like a butterfly from its cocoon. Yet they keep ploughing on for lack of better alternatives and slowly ease into the background with the satisfaction of having done their bit in life. You hear of professionals leaving their high paying jobs early on to turn to farming, there are others who have sacrificed cushy jobs to go out and teach and train people. Joining NGO’s is the latest fad amongst the literate; the buzz word is developmental management.

Training skills in any area needs to start with the basics, the need to take a natural liking for the field. You cannot take away a good teacher from his/her teaching job even if you were to offer him/her a highly remunerative job in a different field as an alternative. The reason is simple, for a teacher the satisfaction is the child being able to grasp life’s lessons and see the child grow and mature into something in this world. A teacher’s chest swells with pride when you mention that you have made it as a former student of the teacher, when you meet them in person. Your presence and a proclamation of your achievements are reflective of their score card, the examinations for which they have given a long time ago and a good teacher will never trade the moment for anything else in life.
As life progresses school and college teachers/professor are replaced with corporate trainers in specific moulds of life skills, like soft, technical, subject centric etc. The question is who is a trainer? Or more pertinently who is an effective trainer? An effective trainer will be one who has a fair grasp of the subject, knows how to deliver it painstakingly and with absolute finesse to his students or trainees. A trainer should be the Dronacharya in the classroom, and he must be able to impart skills with ease, grasp and make it register in the hearts and minds of his trainees not only for it to last long within themselves but also inculcate the lessons into their daily work life.  An effective trainer is someone who can gather together pieces of wood and twigs into a heap and light the fire to send succour to the eager ones both in direction of thought and knowledge. He can both keep out the cold and light their lives all with the lighting of the fire. Set up a Barometer within your employees to measure the impact of training as a contributory factor to organisational progress.

A trainer also must be able to develop his own content for training by gathering different bits of information to align in with his thoughts and insights. Not only does a trainer need to be able to leave his imprint on the course and the material, it should be like a boutique piece that which may have an uncanny resemblance to others but is truly unique. His, must be a pioneering effort like the icebreaker ships cutting through thick sheets of ice. Only if he can integrate the daily work life and changing patterns combined with lessons from the past, can he effectively eke out a useful lesson in training. To be a good trainer you have to be a good observer of life as it passes you by. Blurting out a few lines and combining it with a straight face and posing as a man of learning will not implant the doctrines that a trainer ought to develop in training. A man of learning may not essentially be a good trainer, but a trainer will always be a man of learning who has incorporated life skills into his teaching and whose outreach smacks of days in the sun.
You have to live life as a trainer and it must start at home from your daily life of giving out advice to your kids and others in the immediate family and turning them into success stories. That is where a trainer’s life starts, which slowly percolates into the neighbourhood, amongst friends and acquaintances, office routine, departments, training in house and the like. In short for a trainer to be effective the essential pre requisite is life’s experience, a fair call to all and sundry who are preparing to turn trainers or are looking to hire them only on the basis of man hours ploughed. On the contrary look out for that existent spark that can be fanned with time to engulf larger areas thereby spreading its contours, otherwise it will be akin to an oarsman splashing his oars with the boat tied to the bank- an exercise in futility.

Robin Varghese –
27th August 2014


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