Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Running Riots and Rallies

Running riots and rallies
Riots and rallies are an integral part of the politician’s armoury ever since India gained independence. Take up the history of riots and rallies and you will find some political party or affiliated politician in charge. This brings us to the crucial question of whether all such rallies and riots are politically mentored or are they spontaneous uprisings as our political masters would have us believe.

The obvious exceptions in recent memory are the Jessica Lal murder case justice rally, the rallies after the Mumbai attack and the rally for the victim of the Delhi Gang rape. These were spontaneous rallies sponsored by the common man on the street, which found the pain of alienation unbearable and came out to shout for justice. The politician here was found cowering behind safe barricades and wouldn’t risk an appearance.
The common man is unduly burdened with his daily dose of problems and does not find time to attend such rallies or participate in riots disowning his social and family obligations, but it is also a fact that these rallies and riots have their participation. True- but it is not spontaneous, there is always an element of coercion, by the powers that be or by the incentives doled out in return.

Therefore the recent riots in Kishtwar or the massive blockade put up by the political parties in Kerala not to say of recent communal clashes in Bihar are all pointers to the fact that it is ultimately the political parties or masters who gain out of these events. The common man suffers since he is not allowed to go about his daily chores and at times is deprived of his fundamental rights.
Look at what is happening in Kishtwar where the politicians are fighting to capture space born out of people to people clashes and killings. It is a shame that these leaders can unashamedly propagate their views and thrust it down the throat of the gullible common man when in fact it is the general public that is suffering due to these miscreants taking over the law and order machinery. Within a matter of hours they take over the scene and wreck mayhem before doing the vanishing act leaving the state and machinery to do the cleaning even while the remnants are stoked to keep the simmer on.
Turn your attention to the Kerala blockade and see how democracy is being taken for a ride. In a democratic country and state one political party is sitting on the government and forcing it to accept their way or the highway. The tens of thousands that have assembled wouldn’t be able to differentiate between the oppressed or the oppressor but since it is the call of their party they shut their mind and send their reasoning on a vacation to turn loyal soldiers of their ideological masters.
The politicians however always paint it as the frustration of the common man or desperation giving vent to common anger through such rallies or riots. The politicians always projects himself as a man of peace and a peace broker who in spite of grave provocation and name calling invariably always manages to turn the saviour.

The simple truth is that an individual or a group of individuals are incapable of starting an uprising unless there is a silent nod of approval and protection from the law makers and their stooges and unless they are stage managed by the politicians, barring a few exceptions when he is cornered or has his back to the wall.

Robin Varghese
Mail to: robin_vargh@yahoo.com
13th August 2013

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